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The 8th European Workshop on Lipid Mediators “A Marcus Wallenberg symposium” will be held on June 29th - July 1st, 2022. It will be a face to face congress with real coffee breaks, sponsor stands, dinner at the Vasa Museum and real speakers!



Scientific Program

Young Investigator Symposium, Poster Awards and Travel Support

Registration & Abstract Submission

All the sponsors

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Hotel Reservation

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Past-Workshops on Lipid Mediators


Document sans nom

Young Investigator Symposium (YSA) and Poster Awards

Note: When submitting your Abstract please indicate (check the box) that you wish to participate in the Young Investigator Symposium (YSA). 
An award of 350 Euros is available for 3 young scientists participating at the Young Scientist Symposium. From the 13 oral presentations, a committee will choose 3 of the presentations for the award.
This award is open to M.Sc. and Ph.D. students, or junior post-doctoral researchers who have obtained their PhD in the past 5 years. Medical, veterinary and dentistry students are also eligible as well as those in residence.
The candidate must be less than 35 years of age and should have published at least one first author paper in a peer-reviewed international journal.
In order to be eligible for the "Young Investigator Symposium” the following criteria must be met. The applicants must submit:

Abstract via the registration form (before May 6th, 2022)
CV and list of publications by email
( /, that must be received before May 6th, 2022.

Any delay and failure to submit all items will automatically eliminate eligibility of the candidate.

Ambiotis poster awards
An award of 270 Euros is available for 5 young scientists presenting a poster in the field of inflammation resolution. The award is open to research students enrolled in a M.Sc. or Ph.D. pr
ogram or junior post-doctoral researchers who have obtained their PhD in the past 5 years and are less than 35 years of age.
This award is sponsored by AMBIOTIS, a leading company in bioactive lipid profiling. Ambiotis would like to promote the research and understanding of resolution pathways.
In order to be eligible for this award, the applicants must submit the abstract before May 6th, 2022 via the registration form AND tick the box "a Poster for Competition (Ambiotis awards on Resolution for students or post-docs <35 years old)".

Larodan poster awards
An award of 270 Euros, sponsored by Larodan, is available for 5 young scientists presenting posters at the meeting.
The award is open to research students enrolled in a M.Sc. or Ph.D. program or junior post-doctoral researchers who have obtained their PhD in the past 5 years and are less than 35 years of age.
In order to be eligible for this award, the applicants must submit the abstract before May 6th, 2022 via the registration form AND tick the box "a Poster for Competition (Larodan poster awards for students or post-docs <35
years old)".

Travel support

Travel support is designed to support young scientists by encouraging the submission of an abstract to present their work at the EWLM. This travel support is open to M.Sc. and Ph.D. students, or junior post-doctoral researchers who have obtained their PhD in the past 5 years. The candidate must be less than 35 years of age. In order to be eligible, the applicants must submit an abstract before May 6th, 2022, and send a motivation letter by email ( /
Two modalities are available based on the primary academic affiliation of the candidates:

  • EWLM is pleased to provide 10 travel support opportunities (200 Euros) for pre- and post-Doctoral students/trainees (Europe-based young researchers) presenting data at the EWLM.

  • Elsevier is pleased to provide 3 travel support opportunities (330 Euros) for pre- and post-Doctoral students/trainees (non Europe-based young researchers) presenting data at the EWLM.

The awards will be distributed at the closing ceremony of the workshop. Eligible people submitting an abstract can apply for both travel support and an award. However, the same abstract can not be submitted in 2 different award competitions (Young Investigator Symposium, Ambiotis and Larodan awards). Eligible people submitting an abstract can apply for both travel support and award, but recipients of an award will not receive travel support.



Larodan morning jog!

The Special Issue of
our previous European
Workshop on Lipid
Mediators (Brussels Edition)
is now on-line


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