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9th European Workshop on Lipid Mediators (9EWLM)
All indicated times in UK GMT

John McIntyre Conference Centre, University of Edinburgh, UK

June 26th - June 28th, 2024

Wednesday, June 26th
8:15 Registration with refreshments

Educational SESSION Bioactive lipids & NC-IUPHAR
9:00 – Opening address by chairpersons: Xavier Norel and Chengcan Yao

9:05 - 9:30 - Stephen Alexander*
University of Nottingham Medical School, UK (25 min)
Challenges in identifying receptors for lipid mediators

9:30 - 9:55 - Valérie O'Donnell*
College of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Cardiff, UK(25 min)

9:55 - 10:20 – Cristina Lopez Vicario*
Hospital Clínic - IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain(25 min)
The role of healing: the omega-3-derived lipid mediators pathway


1st Sponsored SESSION
(sponsored by the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s - GOED)
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
10:45 - Welcome by chairpersons: Gerard Bannenberg and Oliver Werz

10:50 - 11:15 - Philip Calder*
Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, UK (25 min)
Omega-3: from the membrane to the nucleus

11:15 - 11:40 - Richard Bazinet*
Dept Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto, Canada (25 min)
New insights into the biosynthesis of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids

11:40 - 12:05 – Takao Shimizu*
Institute of Microbial Chemistry & National Centre for Global Health and Medicine & University of Tokyo, Japan (25 min)
In vivo roles of DHA and DHA phospholipids

12:05 - 12:30 – Elana Natker*
GOED (25 min)
Bridging from Omega-3 Science to Consumer Usage

12:30 - 12:40 – Q&A with panel discussion all speakers (10 min)

LUNCH BREAK 12:40 - 14:25

2nd Sponsored SESSION
(sponsored by Pharma Marine)
Regio- and enantiopure triacylglycerols comprising EPA and DHA
14:25 - Welcome by chairpersons: Gerard Bannenberg and Adriano Rossi

14:30 - 15:05 - Gudmundur G. Haraldsson*
Department of Chemistry, Science Institute, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland (30 + 5 min Q&A)
Chemoenzymatic synthesis of structured and enantiostructured triacylglycerols constituting EPA and DHA

15:05 - 15:40 - Baoru Yang*
Food Sciences, Department of Life Technologies, University of Turku, Turku, Finland (30 + 5 min Q&A)
Metabolic fate of DHA from regio- and stereospecific positions of triacylglycerols in rats 

15:40 - 16:15 - Kaisa M. Linderborg*
Food Sciences, Department of Life Technologies, University of Turku, Turku, Finland (30 + 5 min Q&A)
Oxidative stability studies on EPA and DHA in regio- and enantiopure triacylglycerols

18:00 Opening reception will take place in the South Hall Complex (1-minute walk from JMCC, please be on time)


Thursday, June 27th
8:15 Registration with refreshments
9:00 – Welcome address by Chengcan Yao

9:05-9:45 Opening Plenary Lecture - Chair person: Cristina Lopez-Vicario
Joan Clària*
Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain (30 +10 min Q&A)
Novel insights into the role of lipid mediators in chronic liver disease

COFFEE BREAK (+ poster viewing, and sponsor stands visit) 9:45 - 10:45

SESSION 1. 10:45 -12:20
Lipid mediator pharmacology, incl biosynthesis, receptors and druggability
10:45 - Welcome by chairpersons: Per-Johan Jakobsson and Giulio Muccioli

10:50 - 11:15 Stefan Offermans*
Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, Germany (20 + 5 min Q&A)
SPM receptors – ghosts or real? Novel mechanisms of action

11:15 – 11:40 Mario van der Stelt*
Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Univ. Leiden, The Netherlands (20 + 5 min Q&A)
Chemical probes to study lipid signaling in multiple sclerosis

11:40 - 12:00 Dieter Steinhilber
Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany (15 + 5 min Q&A)
Noncanonical functions of 5-lipoxygenase pathway in inflammation and cancer

12:00 - 12:20 Marc Dubourdeau
Ambiotis, France (15 + 5 min Q&A)
Resolution pharmacology: a changing paradigm in the treatment of inflammation

LUNCH BREAK 12:20 - 14:10

SESSION 2. 14:10 -15:45
Lipid mediators in neuronal systems
14:10 - Welcome by chairpersons: Gerard Bannenberg and Mireille Alhouayek

14:15 - 14:40 Caroline Pot*
Center for Research in Neuroscience, Univ Lausanne, Switzerland (20 + 5 min Q&A)
Roles of Oxysterols during neuroinflammation: an attractive story

14:40 - 15:05 Valerio Chiurchiu*
Institute of Translational Pharmacology, NRC, Rome, Italy (20 + 5 min Q&A)
Lipid mediators in the resolution of neuroinflammation: towards an Atlas of Inflammation-Resolution in the neuroimmune axis

15:25 - 15:45 Miloud Hammoud
Université Cadi Ayyad - Marrakech, Morocco (15 + 5 min Q&A)
Identifying a novel genetic variant associated with Sandhoff disease in the Moroccan population through TLC, HPLC MSMS, molecular networking, and NGS-based genetic screening combination

15:05 - 15:25 Helike Lohelaid
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki (15 + 5 min Q&A)
Modulating microglia phagocytosis after ischemic stroke

COFFEE BREAK (+ poster viewing, and sponsor stands visit) 15:45 - 16:45

SESSION 3. 16:45 - 18:40
Bioactive lipids in infection
16:45 - Welcome by chairpersons: Xavier Norel and Adriano Rossi

16:50 - 17:15 Nicolas Cenac* 
Institut de Recherche en Santé Digestive, Toulouse, France (20 + 5min Q&A)
Identification of bacterial lipids as key player in visceral pain

17:15 - 17:40 Gérard Lambeau* 
IPMC, CNRS-INSERM, U. Côte d’Azur, Sophia Antipolis, France (20 + 5min Q&A)
sPLA2s: from antibacterial activity to role in sepsis, malaria, Covid-19 and microbiota: Quo vadis?

17:40 - 18:00 Ingrid Fleming
Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany (15 + 5 min Q&A min)
A regulatory loop involving a cytochrome P450-soluble epoxide hydrolase axis and TGF-beta signaling determines pro-resolving polarization in macrophages

18:00 - 18:20 Joy Edwards-Hicks
University of Edinburgh (15 + 5 min Q&A min)
Phosphoinositide acyl chain saturation drives CD8+ effector T cell signaling and function

19:30 Gala dinner will take place in the South Hall at Pollock Estate, followed by a Scottish Ceilidh (remember to wear proper shoes for dancing) and a drink bar (for bank cards only)


Friday, June 28th
8:15 Registration with refreshments
09:00 - 09:05 –Morning address by Adriano Rossi

09:05 - 09:45 Plenary lecture - Chair persons: Adriano Rossi

Mireille Al Houayek*
Louvain Drug Research Institute
Université catholique de Louvain
, Brussels, Belgium (30 + 10 min Q&A)
Pharmacological modulation of the endocannabinoid system to counteract inflammation and pain

COFFEE BREAK (+ poster viewing, and sponsor stands visit) 9:45 - 10:25

SESSION 4. 10:25 - 12:00
Lipid mediators in nutrition and metabolic diseases
10:25 - Welcome by chairpersons: Per-Johan Jakobsson and Cristina Lopez-Vicario

10:30 - 10:55 María Jesús Moreno-Aliaga*
Faculty of Pharmacy & Nutrition, Univ. of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain (20 + 5 min Q&A)
Role of lipid mediators in brown adipose tissue activity in obesity and aging

10:55 - 11:20 Isabel Medina*
Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas, CSIC , Vigo, Spain (20 + 5 min Q&A)
Pathway-oriented profiling of lipid mediators In brain cortex: Role of marine lipids and link with metabolic health

11:20 – 11:40 Trisha Grevengoed
Københavns Universitet (15 + 5 min Q&A)
An inflammation-regulated metabolite, arachidonoyl-taurine, protects from diet-induced hepatic steatosis and fibrosis in mice

11:40 – 12:00 Esther Titos
Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS - University of Barcelona (15 + 5 min Q&A)
Proinflammatory Role of 12(S)-HETE through the activation of the Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase (ERK) pathway in Human Leukocytes: Implications in Obesity-associated Inflammation

LUNCH BREAK 12:00 - 13:30

Chairpersons: Oliver Werz and Mireille Alhouayek

Talks selected from the submitted abstracts
(7 + 2 min Q&A each, timed)

COFFEE BREAK (+ poster viewing, and sponsor stands visit) 15:00 - 15:40

SESSION 5. 15.40 – 17.45
Top notch & latest advances in lipid mediators research
15:40 Chairpersons: Giulio Muccioli and Chengcan Yao

15:45 - 16:10 Sungwhan Oh*
Blavatnik Inst. of Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA (20 + 5 min Q&A)
A lipidomic dissection of host-gut microbiota-diet complex

16:10 - 16:35 Valerie O’Donnell*
College of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Cardiff, UK (20 + 5 min Q&A)
haracterisation of the viral lipid envelope of pandemic SARS-CoV2 strains, and how it’s impacted by inflammation.

16:35 - 16:55 Robert Klaus Hofstetter
Jena University (15 + 5 min Q&A)
Bioanalytics of specialized pro-resolving mediators: addressing valid criticism with validated analytical techniques

16:55 - 17:15 Nadja Kampschulte
University of Wuppertal (15 + 5 min Q&A)
Lipid mediators in a new dimension: 2D multiple heart-cutting LC-MS/MS for the quantitative and enantioselective analysis of oxylipins

17:15 - 17:35 Karsten Weylandt
University Hospital Ruppin-Brandenburg - Joint Faculty of the Brandenburg University of Technology, Brandenburg Medical School and University of Potsdam
Checkpoint inhibitor therapy, chemotherapy and lipid mediators


17.35 - Prize Winners and travel support announcements (Young session awards, Poster Prizes, etc)

 Adjourn: Workshop closing address by Chengcan Yao & host for 10th EWLM.

(*Invited Speakers)



last update November 2024


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